Correlogram Analysis

The Correlogram functionality automates the statistical analysis of serial correlation, model order identification, and exploratory patterns in a data sample.


To use this functionality, select the corresponding icon on the toolbar (or the menu item).

This figure shows the location of the correlogram icon in the summary statistics section of NumXL toolbar.

Point to the data sample on your worksheet, select the maximum number of lags for both ACF and PACF analysis, choose a table and/or graph presentation, and designate a location on your sheet to print the ACF/PACF tables and the Correlogram graph.

NumXL Correlogram settings dialog.


Upon completion, the function outputs the ACF/PACF along with confidence limits (if selected) as formulas (instead of raw numbers) in the designated location of your worksheet

Correlogram output table and plot in Excel generated by NumXL Correlogram Wizard.

Tutorial Video


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