
Is it possible to save differently or convert the file to avoid #NAME? as the output?



I am using NumXL and I have a problem. I want to send my finished task in Excel but anyone who doesn't use this add-in can't see my results in this task. Just "#NAME?".

They just have to see my finished task nothing more.

Is there any solution for this?


  • Official comment

    Yes, there are couple of ways:

    Option 1: Before you send your spreadsheet, turn off the "Auto calculation". This way, when they open the file, it will show all results (no #NAME). Off course, if they try to edit anything in the spreadsheet, the #NAME will come up.

    Option 2: You can copy your work into clipboard, and paste special (values + format (no formulas)) it into a a new spreadsheet.

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  • Great thank you!!! :)

    Do you also maybe know if there is a way to convert the work into a image file? (png, jpg...)

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  • You are welcome!

    I assume you can take a screenshot and save it as an image file.

    Better yet, print the spreadsheet into a PDF file using Abobe PDF driver (or any PDF printer drivers), and this way the file is much smaller and look professional.


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