
Does NumXL support Excel 2016?


Does NumXL 1.63 (or later) supports Excel 2016 on Windows 10?

 when i use NumXL 32-bit (x86) setup, i see this error (Quoted concept): 

(( please use NumXL x64 for exel x64))

and when i use numXL x64 this error occurs:
(( please use numXL x32 for exel x32)).

i have EXEL 2016 x64


  • NumXL is designed to run with all versions of Excel and Windows. The only issue I can think of is the Installer, as it may fails the excel compatibility test.

    I will forward this question to our engineers and inquire whether we can have a service pack to support Excel 2016.



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  • The installer does not recognize the excel 2016 version, so it refuses to run. Our engineer are working on a hot-fix, and should be available shortly for download.

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  • We have just posted a new hot-fix (1.63.42296.1) on our website to address the compatibility issue of NumXL with Excel 2016 (32 and 64-bit). Please, download this version and update your NumXL installation.

    Aside from the Excel 2016 compatibility issue, there are no major changes between this update and prior ones.


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