Clicking NumXL tab/toolbar icons but nothing is happening


I am clicking on the icons in the NumXL tab/toolbar, but nothing is happening, what is going on?


If you find that you're able to see the NumXL toolbar, but when you click an icon there is no wizard or pop-up. This is because of Excel's security permissions. This is one of Excel's ways of keeping your information safe and we're going to show you how to give NumXL permission to run.

If you have a security warning or alert please complete the following steps or watch the How to Set Excel Security Permissions video below. If you do not have the security warning please scroll down to the next section.

  1. Select the "Options button that is shown with the security warning.
    Security Warning
  2. Then please check the "Enable all code published by this publisher section"
    Click Enable all code published by this publisher section

If you do not have the security warning or you find that the "enable all code published by this publisher" does not exist please following the remaining steps where we show you how to use Excel's Trust Center to give NumXL permission to run.

  1. Switch to the "File" tab
    Switch to the file tab
  2. select "Options"
    Locate and click on the Options in the left sidebar
  3. Click on "Trust Center Tab" in the left sidebar
    Locate and click on the trust center tab
  4. Click the "Trust Center Settings" button"
    Locate and click on the trust center settings button
  5. click the "Add-ins" tab
  6. Double-check that the "Disable all Application Add-ins" is left unchecked"
    Locate and click on the add-ins tab
  7. Then click the "Macro Settings"
    click on the macro settings tab on the left sidebar
  8. Make sure that "Enable All Macros" is selected.
    Make sure that enable all macros is selected
  9. Click "OK" at the bottom of the window.
  10. Lastly, please exit and restart Excel

You should now have access to all of the NumXL functionalities. If you're still having problems you can always contact us at


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