Learn how to fix the security permissions in Excel 2007/2010 after installing NumXL.
Scene 1:
In this tutorial, we will show you how to set and enable Excel 2007 and 2010 permissions and how to activate NumXL's functions.
Scene 2:
After you have installed NumXL and launch Excel 2007 or 2010, a security warning may appear in the toolbar about inactive content. To enable NumXL's forms and wizards we would need to enable them with Excel. To do so, click on the options button in the toolbar.
Scene 3:
A Microsoft Office security form will pop up and it will list the NumXL add-in, Spider Financial as the publisher, and our digital certificate assigned by Spider Financial. Next, select "Enable all code published by this publisher", click OK to continue.
Scene 4:
The security warning toolbar is now removed. NumXL's forms and functions are now enabled and ready to be used.
Scene 5:
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