Tutorial Videos
Check out our tutorial videos section, where we've curated plenty of tips to help you streamline your work with NumXL. Learn about new functions, optimize queries, and enhance your analysis using real-life data for a smoother and faster workflow.
Data Preparation
Descriptive Statistics
- Descriptive Statistics in Excel
- Creating a Histogram with Excel
- QQ Plotting in Excel
- Empirical Distribution Function (EDF) in Excel
- Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) in Excel
- Correlogram Analysis in Excel
Statistical Testing
- White-noise test in Excel
- Normality Testing in Excel
- ADF Stationary Test in Excel
- ARCH Effect Test in Excel
- Cointegration Test (Johansen)
- Regression stability test in Excel
Data Fitting
- Weighted-moving average (WMA) in Excel
- Brown's Simple Exponential Smoothing in Excel (SESMTH)
- Holt's Double Exponential Smoothing in Excel (DESMTH)
- Brown's Linear Exponential Smoothing in Excel (LESMTH)
- Holt-Winters' Triple Exponential Smoothing in Excel (TESMTH)
- General Exponential Smoothing (GESMTH) with trend in Excel
Date & Calendar
ARMA Analysis
- ARMA Modeling and Forecast in Excel
- ARMA calibration in Excel
- ARMA forecast in Excel
- ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting Demo
- SARIMA Modeling & Forecasting Demo
- X-13ARIMA-SEATS Modeling - Seasonal Adjustment
Factor Analysis
- GLM tutorial in Excel
- Regression Tutorial - Part 1
- Stepwise Regression Tutorial - Part 2
- Influential Data Regression Analysis - Part 3
- Regression Stability Testing - Part 4
- Principal Components Analysis (PCA) tutorial - Part 1