Tutorial Videos
We have prepared numerous tips on how to make your work with NumXL easier and more efficient using real-life data. Learn about new functions, how to optimize queries, and make your analysis go smoother and faster with our video tutorials.
Data Preparation
Descriptive Statistics
- Descriptive Statistics in Excel
- Creating a Histogram with Excel
- QQ Plotting in Excel
- Empirical Distribution Function (EDF) in Excel
- Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) in Excel
- Correlogram Analysis in Excel
Statistical Testing
- White-noise test in Excel
- Normality Testing in Excel
- ADF Stationary Test in Excel
- ARCH Effect Test in Excel
- Cointegration Test (Johansen)
- Regression stability test in Excel
Data Fitting
- Weighted-moving average (WMA) in Excel
- Brown's Simple Exponential Smoothing in Excel (SESMTH)
- Holt's Double Exponential Smoothing in Excel (DESMTH)
- Brown's Linear Exponential Smoothing in Excel (LESMTH)
- Holt-Winters' Triple Exponential Smoothing in Excel (TESMTH)
- General Exponential Smoothing (GESMTH) with trend in Excel
Date & Calendar
ARMA Analysis
- ARMA Modeling and Forecast in Excel
- ARMA calibration in Excel
- ARMA forecast in Excel
- ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting Demo
- SARIMA Modeling & Forecasting Demo
- X-13ARIMA-SEATS Modeling - Seasonal Adjustment
Factor Analysis
- GLM tutorial in Excel
- Regression Tutorial - Part 1
- Stepwise Regression Tutorial - Part 2
- Influential Data Regression Analysis - Part 3
- Regression Stability Testing - Part 4
- Principal Components Analysis (PCA) tutorial - Part 1