How do I add the NumXL installation folder to Excel's Trusted Locations?
Adding the NumXL installation folder to the list of Trusted Locations can be done by following the steps below:
- Go to the “File” Tab, then click on “Options”.
- The Excel Options dialog pops up, select the “Trust Center” from the left sidebar, and click on the “Trust Center Settings…”.
- The Trust Center settings dialog is displayed, select the “Trusted Locations” from the left sidebar, and click on "Add new location…".
- The Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box pops up. The value of the Path field is initially set to reference the Templates folder, let's change that to the NumXL folder. Click on the “Browse…” button below it.
- Using the Browse dialog, navigate through the filesystem toward the NumXL installation folder. The folder can be found under “program files” for a 64-bit installation or under “program files (x86)” for a 32-bit installation. Click OK when finished.
- The selected folder is now added to the list of trusted locations. Leave the checkbox - Subfolders of this location are also trusted - unchecked and click the OK button.
- The NumXL installation folder is now listed at the top of the Trusted Locations list. Press on the OK button to save the changes and close the Trust Center.
- In the Excel Options dialog, press the OK button.
- Restart Microsoft Excel for the changes to take effect.
To add NumXL as a Trusted Publisher, please see this article: NumXL as a Trusted Publisher.
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