Date and Calendar
In this section, we list all date and calendar functions supported in NumXL.
- Date and Calendar Analysis
- NxAdjust - Move to the nearest workday
- NxEDATE - Advance a date by a given period
- NxIsWorkDay - Check a given date for weekends and holidays
- NxNetWorkdays - Number of working days in a given date range
- NxNWKDY - Date of the N-th Weekday in a Month
- NxWeekday - Day of the week for a given date
- NxWKDYOrder - Order of the weekday for a given date
- NxWorkday - Advance a given date N-Working Days
- Weekend and Long-weekend Date Functions
- NxWKNDStr - Weekend Code
- NxWKNDUR - Weekend Duration
- NxWKNDate - Next or Last Weekend
- NxWKNDNo - Weekend Convention Number
- NxIsWeekend - Check given date for Weekends
- Holidays
- NxFindHLDY - Holiday that falls on a given date
- NxHLDYDate - Date of a given holiday in a given year
- NxHLDYDates - Dates of holidays in a given date range
- NxHLDYName - Holiday Name that corresponds to a given code
- NxHolidays - Supported Holidays with a given prefix
- NxIsHoliday - Examine a given date for holidays
- Calendar Functions
- NxCalendars - Supported Calendars with a given prefix
- NxCALHolidays - Supported Holidays in a Calendar
- NxCALName - Calendar name of a given code
- NxCALWKND - Weekend for a Given Calendar